Function Reference


Sets the focus to a specified tab in a tab control.

#Include <GuiTab.au3>
_GUICtrlTabSetCurFocus ( $h_tabcontrol, $i_item )



$h_tabcontrol control id/control hWnd
$i_item Zero-based index of a tab control item.


Return Value




If the tab control has the $TCS_BUTTONS style (button mode),
the tab with the focus may be different from the selected tab.

For example, when a tab is selected, the user can press the arrow
keys to set the focus to a different tab without changing the selected tab.

In button mode, $TCM_SETCURFOCUS sets the input focus to the button associated
with the specified tab, but it does not change the selected tab.

If the tab control does not have the $TCS_BUTTONS style, changing the focus
also changes the selected tab.






#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <GuiTab.au3>

opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

Dim $tab, $tab0, $tab0OK, $tab0input, $tab1, $tab1combo, $tab1OK, $tab2, $tab2OK, $tab3, $tab4
Dim $msg, $button, $item = 0

GUICreate("Tab Set Current Focus", 300, 200)  ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered

GUISetFont(9, 300)

$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 10, 200, 100, $TCS_MULTILINE)

$tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab0")
GUICtrlCreateLabel("label0", 30, 80, 50, 20)
$tab0OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK0", 20, 60, 50, 20)
$tab0input = GUICtrlCreateInput("default", 80, 60, 70, 20)
GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition

$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab----1")
GUICtrlCreateLabel("label1", 30, 80, 50, 20)
$tab1combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 20, 60, 60, 40)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Trids|CyberSlug|Larry|Jon|Tylo", "Jon") ; default Jon
$tab1OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK1", 80, 60, 50, 20)
GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition

$tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab2")
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_SHOW) ; will be display first
GUICtrlCreateLabel("label2", 30, 80, 50, 20)
$tab2OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK2", 140, 60, 50)
GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition

$tab3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab3")
GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition

$tab4 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab4")
GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition

GUICtrlCreateLabel("label3", 20, 130, 50, 20)
$button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set", 200, 130, 90, 30)


; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $msg = $button
            _GUICtrlTabSetCurFocus ($tab, $item)
            $item = Not $item